Friday, November 30, 2012

二十ねんごのわたし (Me, 20 Years from Now)

はじめまして。 わたしはフェルナンデスです。 わたしはエンジニアです。 わたしの会社があります。わたしはハワイのマウイにすんでいます。かぞくは四人です。わたしはケィーシ アポ高山とけっこんしました。わたしたちはこどもがふたりいます。わたしは月曜日から木曜日まではたらきます。そして、しゅうまつ、 わたしはかぞくといっしょにじかんをすごすことになります。

Thursday, November 8, 2012



はじめまして。 わたしはフェルナンデスです。コロンビアのだいがくです。 いちねんせいです。 わたしはじゅうはっさいです。 わたしはハワイからきました。 ハワイのひとはしんせつです。 ニュ-ヨ-クはあまりきれいじゃありませんがおもしろいです。コロンビアだいがくのせいかつはとてもたいへんです。 そしていそがしいです。 よろしくおねがいします。

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Weather..

 きょうのてんきはゆきです!そして、きょうはとてもさむいです。 わたしは ハワイ からきました。 そして、 ゆきをみません。ハワイのてんきはあたたかいです。  ハワイ はいいてんきがあります。ニュ-ヨ-ク のゆきは とてもまずいです。 ゆきはしろいじゃありません。 ちゃいろです。あしたのてんきもゆきです。 たいへんです。わたしははれがほしです。わたしはかなじいです。 わたしとわたしのかのじょにゆきをみたかった。

Translation: tenki=weather, atatakai=warm, chyiro=brown, shiroi=white, hare=sunny weather, kanajii=sad, mitakatta=want to see

It snowed today and it was very cold! I am from Hawai'i so I didn't see snow. Hawai'i has warm weather. Hawai'i has nice weather. New York's snow is not white. It is brown. Tomorrow's weather will also be snowy. I want sunny weather.  I am sad. I wanted to see snow with my girlfriend.

Monday, October 22, 2012

School Life..Month 2

こんにちわみなさん!So today I just wanted to tell you a little about how my school life is going so far. So here it goes.
わたしはとてもつかれたです!わたしのフィシクスクラスはむずかしです。 ごごよじからごぜんいちじまでべんきょうします。とてもたいへんです! そして、わたしはいつもごぜんさんじにねます。わたしはかのじょとかぞくとハワイをだいぶしたいます。(I miss my girlfriend, my family, and Hawaii a lot.) とても、とても たいへんです! けれども、 まえへいかなければなりません。(However, I must keep going forward.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Here's my daily routine in Japanese! (I hope..)

So, today I will be writing a short little description of my daily routine all in Japanese! Hopefully I will be able to take what I have learned so that I can communicate it to you effectively. Please bear with me and feel free to point out my mistakes. I want to make sure I can learn from them. Well, here it goes...

いつもわたしは8じゅうにおきます。 そして9じゅうにきょうしつへいきます。 9じゅうから12じゅうまでと1じゅうからごご4じゅうまできょうしつでいます。 12じゅうはんひるごはんをたべます。そしてごご6じゅうにばんごはんをたべます。 7じゅうから12じゅうまでにべんきょうします。そして12じゅうから3じゅうまでやすみます。4じゅうにねます。

And that’s my daily routine most of the time! じゃまた!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why Study Japanese?

I have always had an interest in learning Japanese. I have always been exposed to the Japanese culture having lived in Hawaii for my entire life. It has always been a culture that I though was very cool and interesting. So in high school I began to study Japanese because Japanese is a part of who I am, I thought it would be a useful language to have and also because I found the culture very interesting. But in my last year of high school i met a Hawaiian Japanese girl named Kasie. And, long story short, not too long after meeting each other everything just fell perfectly into place and we have been happily in love ever since. She has exposed me to many aspects of the Japanese culture such as Matsuri, the food, customs, and language. We both have a love for Japan and the Japanese culture so we hope that one day we could travel to Japan, just the two of us, to experience it all. I always thought Japanese was interesting and that's why i began to study it, but I know I study it for a much more important personal reason. I study it because I want to make Kasie proud. I want to learn as much about the Japanese culture as I can so one day we can take our trip to Japan together. That is why I love Japanese and that is why I want to study it.

After 4 weeks of studying Japanese I am very pleased to say that it all has been very fun and rewarding. I have learned many new words, phrases, and grammar principles. Everyday I am excited to learn more and more and expand my knowledge of the language. I am also glad that it comes fairly easy to me having studied it a little before. I find that I can pick up things much more quicker now that I have some background in Japanese. The only thing I still have sometimes have trouble with is the sentence structure. I sometimes get confused on what parts go where and which particles are used with what parts. But, as I continue to study and work at it, it becomes clear to me. I can't wait till I can read, write, and comprehend Japanese because when that day comes, I will be ready to take that trip to Japan with Kasie, the girl I love.

