Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Communication

Through the pod-casting project I hope to find new ways of communicating my ideas with those around me. I also hope to learn how to effectively communicate with people who I may have some conflicts with. This project will also enable me to learn more about different cultures where customs and practices do not always mesh well together. Also, this project should teach me about various communication styles across languages. Overall I expect this project to give me a new outlook on communicating with others to help foster good environments with a sense of community.

To me, communication is a very important tool in life. It helps us to understand, convey ideas, resolve situations, build ties, and share feelings. Communication also helps people to come together to solve problems and generate new ideas to achieve a common goal. More than anything, I feel that communication is essential to promoting wellness within yourself and those around you. It allows you to share your feelings and thoughts with others. It allows you to build new ties with strangers and maintain close ties with friends and families. Communication helps to uplift people through connection and words of encouragement. Communication is a way for people to grow and better themselves and those around them. That is what communication is to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


わたしの好きなところはハワイです。 ハワイはわたしのうちです。ハワイでかぞくがいます。わたしのかぞくを愛します。 そして、ハワイのてんきはすばらしいです。 うみはとてもきれいでおもしろいです。 わわたしはうみでおよぐが好きです。わたしは食べるのが好きです。 ハワイはいいレストランがたくさんあります。 そして、ハワイの山やうみやたにやもりはとてもうつくしくてすごいです。 ハワイはめずらしところです。 ハワイは一ばんところです。